Thursday, March 26, 2020

What Is Kd in Chemistry?

What Is Kd in Chemistry?What is Kd in Chemistry? Well, I'm glad you asked. I am glad you asked because there are many questions that often make us uncomfortable with learning something new, especially when the subject matter is as complicated as chemistry.One of the questions that frequently pops up is, 'What is K in Chemistry?' This is a good question and one that need an answer. Most of us will not have an answer because most of us are not trained in chemistry. To get an answer to this question, you must understand what K means in chemistry.First of all K is the symbol for potassium, or the element K, which is a hydrogen-helium ion. It is also known as the 'active'potassium' form of the element sodium. This substance, and the number two, tell us that K is an ion that can be found in nature. The first two letters are an abbreviation for Kinetic Coupling, a chemical term that we should know.The next thing we have to understand is how this chemical compound is called a 'condensation r eaction.' Basically this means that K is able to combine with a salt or chloride to form sodium, a very common mineral in the human body.Also known as the oxidation of a sulfur compound, or the reduction of the aldehyde, K is the result of splitting a solid into its constituent atoms. Think of it as a soap oxidizing and turning into a liquid. It happens, in nature, all the time.These elements that we call Ks, are important because they are involved in what we call oxidation reactions. So if you want to learn more about K in Chemistry, read up and find out what this valuable substance is.A 'condensation reaction' is one that is very important in chemistry. You can find out more about it, by checking out a chemistry textbook online and exploring more online chemistry courses.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Volume of Triangular Prism Tutors

Volume of Triangular Prism Tutors A triangular prism is one of the different types of prisms and as the name suggests, the triangular prism consists of triangular bases. The bases are congruent triangles and supporting the bases are the parallelograms placed surrounding the prism. Volume of a triangular prism is the amount of space contained inside the prism and this space is measured using the volume formula of the prism. Volume of a triangular prism is the product of the triangular base and the height of the prism. Example 1:Findthe volume of a triangular prism whose base of the triangle is 2m, height of the triangular base is 3m and length of the prism is 5m? Given: base of the triangular prism == b= 2m Height of the base triangle, h = 3m Length of the prism, l = 5m Volume of a triangular prism, V = 1/2 * b * h * l This gives, volume, V= 1/2 * 2m * 3m * 5m= 15m3 Therefore, volume of the given triangular prism is 15m3 Example 2: Findthe volume of a triangular prism whose base of the triangle is 3.6, height of the triangular base is 5m and length of the prism is 6m? Given: base of the triangular prism == b= 3.6m Height of the base triangle, h = 5m Length of the prism, l = 6m Volume of a triangular prism, V = 1/2 * b * h * l This gives, volume, V= 1/2 * 3.6m * 5m * 6m= 54m3 Therefore, volume of the given triangular prism is 54m3

Understanding Syria - A Listening Exercise

Understanding Syria - A Listening Exercise The recent attacks in Paris, France have brought even more of a spotlight on Syria. The country had of course been in the news already, due to the fighting there, and the refugee crisis it has caused.The fight in Syria has gotten so complicated, with so many countries involved, that it can be difficult to understand exactly what is happening there.Here is a video that attempts to make it more understandable. Ive noticed in the comments on YouTube and Facebook that quite a few people disagree with the video. If you disagree, feel free to let us know what is inaccurate about it in comments. LOI does not necessarily agree with how the Syrian conflict is described in this video, but we think it makes for a good current events listening exercise.Watch the video below, then see if you can answer the questions about it. Answer the questions in comments, and well respond.What does criss crossing mean?How did the Syrian conflict begin?What does the word tinge mean in this context (hear it at 1:00).When did the U.S. get involved?How was ISIS formed?Why are the Kurds confused about the U.S.?How did Russia get involved?What do you think is happening in Syria? How do you think it will be resolved?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Help Your Child Strengthen His or Her Weaker Learning Styles

Help Your Child Strengthen His or Her Weaker Learning Styles When it comes to learning, no two children process information exactly the same. Like adults, children have their own learning preferences and styles and it can take a little trial and error to determine exactly how they learn effectively and retain information.Eileen Huntington, Co-founder and CEO ofHuntington Learning Center says that while knowing a childs preferred learning style or styles is valuable information, parents should still help their children improve their lesser-refined styles too. Not every classroom or subject will fit a childs tendencies, so even though it is natural for children to gravitate toward certain subjects because the typical class activity fits their learning style best, they shouldnt just ignore subjects that are a bit more out of their comfort zone. How can you help your child strengthen any weaker learning styles? Here are a few tips: To become a stronger visual learner, have your child try the following: Use mnemonic techniques for memorizing information. Organize notes logically so that main concepts and ideas are highlighted and it is easy to skim supporting information. Try a variety of visual aids to learn new material, such as graphs and chartsand combine these tools with reading aloud. Pair any of these techniques with his or her stronger learning preferences. For example, if your child generally enjoys reading and talking aloud, he or she could do so while writing things on a whiteboard or in a notebook. To become a stronger kinesthetic learner, have your child try the following: Study in small groups to talk through ideas. Use flashcards and other active tools. Have your child share material with you or a study partner to reinforce learning. Take notes while reading, draw out concepts on a whiteboard or piece of paper, or act things out with you or someone else. Pair any of these techniques with his or her stronger learning preferences. For example, if your child generally needs a quiet place to focus, he or she can still improve those tactile learning strategies by active studying (e.g. highlighting while reading). To become a stronger auditory learner, have your child try the following: Record information (such as vocabulary words) on a tape recorder and play back while on the go or in the car. Use the Read Aloud tool in his or her word processing software to review drafts of what he or she writes. Purchase both the audio and regular version of textbooks and listen to chapters while following along in the text. Read aloud to him or herself. When learning new information, make associationswith music, for exampleto remember what he or she learns. Pair any of these techniques with his or her stronger learning preferences. For example, if your child benefits from the use of memory devices and flash cards, he or she could also have a partner read those tools aloud to strengthen the auditory learning aptitudes. Lastly, Huntington reminds parents that students who are versatile in their learning preferences will be better prepared for the real world. When children spend time developing their less comfortable learning styles, theyre essentially helping transform themselves into stronger, more agile students, she says. The world is fast-moving and children who are able to adapt as the situation requires will be well equipped for lifelong success. For more information about how Huntington helps students strengthen their learning styles, call Huntington at 1-800-CAN-LEARN. About Huntington Huntington is the tutoring and test prep leader.Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams.Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards.Founded in 1977, Huntingtons mission is to give every student the best education possible. Learn how Huntington can help at For franchise opportunities please visit 2017 Huntington Mark, LLC. Huntington Learning Center, the three-leaf logo, and 1 800 CAN LEARN are registered trademarks of Huntington Mark, LLC. Each franchised Huntington Learning Center is operated under a franchise agreement with Huntington Learning Centers, Inc.

?? Conquering the Gender Bias Trap

?? Conquering the Gender Bias Trap Conquering the Gender Bias Trap Written by Kerrine BryanI have worked as an electrical engineer for eleven years, and on the multiple projects that I haveworked, with teams of up to 200 engineers, you could probably count the female engineers onone hand.At the same time, the UK has been struggling to meet the demand for skilled STEM (Science,Technology, Engineering and Maths) professionals, and one of the causes is plain and clear. Weare missing out on nearly 50% of the population; women.Why aren’t more women opting for what I find to be an enjoyable and rewarding career?I would like to say that I always wanted to be an engineer, but the reality is that as a child Ididn’t know what engineering was. I had an idea in my head of what it involved and it just didn’tseem like something I would want to do. I thought of it as a job only for men, working in agarage wearing overalls and a hard-hat â€" no thank you.Luckily for me at 17, my maths teacher suggested I take part in a university taster course to learnabout t he different types of engineering after which I pursued an engineering career ending up ina job that I thoroughly enjoy and is the complete opposite of what I initially thought. It’s not ajob only for men, I work in an office and I like to wear a dress (and sometimes heels). It’s acreative and challenging job that I thoroughly enjoy and find rewarding.STEM professions are struggling with image perceptions. Ask someone to draw a scientist andthey will most likely draw a white man with long frizzy white hair, spectacles and a white labcoat.If young boys believe that engineering is a job for men, who work in a garage wearing overallsand a hard-hat, then they might not think that it’s a job for them, but at least they would think itwas an option. Many young girls may not even think that it’s an option if that is the case.As a young girl I had never met an engineer, so these ideas of what an engineer was, had formedin my mind from my social environment, including media and the ma in influencers in my life(e.g. parents and teachers). This social influence formed my unconsciousbias and is one of thereasons why not many women are opting for STEM careers.What is the gender bias trap?I spent a full day at a primary school doing workshops and talking about different professionsthat both men and women can do, including my own profession, electrical engineering. At theend of the day I opened the floor for questions when a young boy asked me “What made youthink that you could do a man’s job?”He had spent the day learning all about the things that both boys and girls can do, but he hadalready fallen into the gender bias trap. His unconscious bias about what men and women can dohad already formed; probably from influences outside of the school environment. It was going totake more than a full day workshop to help him out of the gender bias trap.How do we conquer the gender bias trap?Some steps are gradually being made in the formal learning environment to reduce gender bias,however the only way to stop children falling into the trap is to ensure that these steps are beingreinforced in the home environment as well.Parents and tutors are key influencers. They may have already formed their own unconsciousbiases, which are tricky to tackle, but they can address their conscious bias when communicatingwith children.Here are my top 4 ways to beat the gender bias trap:1. Buy the right booksExpose children to diverse literature showing female engineers, male nurses or female pilots, forexample. If you notice gender bias in books be sure to address it or adapt the story as necessary.2. Choose teaching resources wiselyTutors can also try to pick books and teaching resources with minimum gender bias. If it’s hardto find such literature or examples, then adapt them by changing names or create your own.Instead of Tom having 4 toy cars and giving 2 to Peter, maybe he can give 2 to Sarah.3. Watch your languageTry to use gender neutral language when speak ing with children in general terms, for exampleuse police officer instead of policeman or flight attendant instead of stewardess.4. Maintain balanced communicationI asked my nephew what job his dad did and he replied “He’s an engineer”, when I asked himwhat his mum did he paused then said “She’s mummy”.Both of his parents are engineers. UntilI asked him this question his parents hadn’t realised how their communication with him hadalready formed a bias. A simple exercise, such as both parents talking to a child about what theydo inside and outside of the home can even make a difference.-You may be asking yourself, isthis all a bit too much? I don't think so.All children should be aware of all of the opportunities and options that areavailable to them when they are older. By avoiding the trap, the world is their oyster.About the author Kerrine is an award winning chartered electrical engineer, who was most recently listed as one ofthe Telegraph’s Top 50 Women in Engineering 2017.She is the founder and author of Butterfly Books, publishing career themed children’spicture books, including ‘My Mummy is an Engineer’, ‘My Mummy is a Plumber’ and ‘MyMummy is a Scientist’.

The Vice Presidential Debate Is Tonight And Yes, You Need to Watch

The Vice Presidential Debate Is Tonight And Yes, You Need to Watch Photo Via: We all know way too much about both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Way more than we want to know. Way more than we probably need to know. But does anyone really know anything about their VPs? Can you even name them off the top of your head? This election year, perhaps more than ever, the VP choices actually matter, especially since the two candidates in the running for president are pretty universally disliked. So college students, this is your year to pay attention, and it starts tonight. So get your homework done, grab yourself a bottle of wine (or several, honestly) and take a seat on the couch, because tonight could just determine your future. (At least, it’ll help determine your future vote). Here is everything you need to know about tonight’s Vice Presidential Debate. 1. Where can you watch? The debate will take place tonight, October 4, at 9 p.m. EST and will air across all major television networks. It will be a 90-minute debate with zero commercial interruptions (because apparently even politicians hate commercials). The debate will be coming to you live from Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia. And much like the first debate, this one will be split up into nine, 10-minute segments, during which each candidate has two minutes to respond to a question posed by the moderator and conversation (or, likely, argument) continues from there. 2. Who’s going to be there? Your moderator (the person that attempts to maintain control of the debate) is CBS’s Elaine Quijano, a correspondent for the news and the first Asian American moderator for such a debate. There will of course be the two VP candidates as well: Mike Pence and Tim Kaine (the VP to candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, respectively). Mike Pence: Team Trump and the Governor of Indiana, Pence was previously of no relation to Trump. He has also spent six terms in the House of Representatives in Congress, so he’s definitely Republican eye candy, especially considering the nature of this election. Tim Kaine: Team Hillary and a senator from Virginia, Kaine and Hillary have a friendship that predated their current partnership. Virginia happens to be a swing state, and given Kaine’s popularity, this choice was not made solely based on a friendship. 3. What are the issues? For one, the candidates themselves. Don’t be surprised when much of tonight’s debate consists of the nominees either defending their partner or attacking the other’s. Hillary and Trump and their histories are going to come up a lot, possibly even more than either of Kaine or Pence’s. The real issues? You can expect to hear about something that was not discussed during the presidential debate: abortion, gay rights and religious liberty. Both men stand on very opposite sides of this issue, so this one is going to be a big ticket conversation tonight. And don’t be surprised when the topic of religion becomes a major factor (especially since Pence previously passed anti-gay legislation in the name of religious freedom). Definitely going to be something to watch for tonight. You can also expect to hear quite a bit about immigration, the economy, ISIS and Russia, Gun Control (or a lack thereof), racism, education and potentially even the environmental issues plaguing the world. But again, you’re probably going to hear about Trump and Hillary more than anything else including the email scandal and body shaming. Also probably up for debate, taxes. 4. What’s next? This is going to be the second in a string of debates (the first presidential debate took place on September 26), and we aren’t quite at the end yet (unfortunately). While this is going to be the first and only vice presidential debate, there will be two more presidential debates, one this coming Sunday and another in about two weeks. For more detail on the upcoming debates, take a look below: Presidential Debate #2: Sunday, October 9  at 9 p.m. EST at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri this will be moderated by Anderson Cooper (anchor at CNN). Presidential Debate #3: Wednesday, October 19  at 9 p.m. EST at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, Nevada this will be moderated by Chris Wallace (anchor at FOX news) Basically, this is going to be a very boring night of argument, but at the very least, it’s going to give us a break from hearing the same arguments coming from Clinton and Trump. It’s hard to think of it that way, but tonight’s an important one, especially for millennial voters that are perhaps voting for the first time. So watch, learn about the issues, learn about the candidates and make a judgment call. Because the truth is, the VP candidates matter just as much, and so it’s important that we take their candidacy seriously. (Did you miss the debate? See what you missed here!)

7 Fashionable Tech Accessories

7 Fashionable Tech Accessories Eco-Fused Waterproof CasePhoto Courtesy of If you have a smart phone and love being near the water, this accessory is a perfect fit for you! It is a great way to protect the super expensive phone youre holding in your hand whether youre on a boat, lounging by the pool, running around in the snow, or working at Sea World. With transparent sides it allows full normal use, including picture taking and touch-screen capabilities. These waterproof bags can fit iPhones, iPods and Samsung S4 and Samsung S3 phones. Additionally, it comes with a stylus pen that will work with the above mentioned devices and a microfiber cleaning cloth. Get more information about it on Amazon. 2. Olloclip 4-in-1 Lens Kit for iPhone $70 The Olloclip 4-in-1 LensPhoto Courtesy of For all of you crazy Instagrammin people out there, this accessory is about to take you to the next level! Though slightly pricey for some, it is definitely the more affordable option when it comes to taking awesome pictures. This 4-in-1 lens includes options for Fisheye, Wide-Angle, 10x Macro and 15x Macro. You also get a bonus iPhone tripod adapter how cool is that? Look for more information about it on Amazon. 3. Tablet Pillow $12-$35 The Tablet Pal 9-11 Inches Universal Holder/PillowPhoto Courtesy of For those of you who want to treat your iPad or tablet to a little luxury, stop here!  There are a variety of different types you can find: clunky, sleek, full-on-pillow, on-the-go, and many more. A tablet pillow allows you to prop up your tablet for a better view, rest it on your lap, or set it on the table. My favorite is the Tablet Pal 9-11 Inches Universal Tablet Holder/Pillow because of how much more sophisticated and stylish it looks compared to other brands. Tablet pillows or holders are great for when you are sick of holding up your tablet for long periods of time. Check out all of the different styles on  Amazon. 4. Boom Movement Swimmer Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker $60 Boom Movement Waterproof Bluetooth SpeakerPhoto Courtesy of Nordstrom This speaker is probably one of the coolest things I have stumbled upon. With a tail that twists and loops around virtually anything, you can use this Bluetooth waterproof speaker anywhere you need music and not worry about it getting water damage. Talk about taking shower singing to a whole new level! This speaker can be immersed in one meter of water for up to 30 minutes. Additionally, on just a two hour charge, this device will give you an eight-hour full volume playback time. By unscrewing the tail you will find a suction-cup option that will help boost the bass sound. With the Bluetooth option you can connect to your Smartphone or tablet and listen to the music you want, to your hearts content. You can find this accessory on Amazon and at Nordstrom. 5. Charger Sync USB Fabric Cable Cord $10 Fabric Cable CordsPhoto Courtesy of For those of you who want to have your own distinct cable cord to charge your iPhone 5/5s/5c/ iPad, then you should definitely check out these fabric cable cords. Because these handmade cords are made out of fabric, they have a longer cable lifetime and it also keeps it flexible. Do you have a pet who likes to chew on all of your cords? This is perfect for you, then, because the fabric keeps them from directly gnawing on the cord itself. Nine out of 10 reviews on this product were completely positive, and for only $10, I would totally check it out! You can find this product on Etsy. 6. Not Your Average Flash Drive $7-$100 Unique flash drivePhoto Courtesy of We all need flash drives. And if youre a college student you probably need two or three. However, getting a plain black one is not only boring, its dangerous. The majority of flash drives you see are black, navy, or silver. So what happens when you accidentally leave yours in the classroom? Chances are someone is just going to assume it is theirs and pick it up. This can be absolutely detrimental to your day, and possibly even your life depending on how much information you put on your flash drives. To save the day, Etsy provides a ton of different, adorable, hilarious options you could have as your flash drive to help differentiate yours from your neighbors. 7. Protect your tablet computer fashionably $10-$40 iPad cover casePhoto Courtesy of With all of the various activities you do throughout the day that require your tablet or laptop, it is important to have some sort of a case to help protect it from becoming scratched, or god-forbid you drop it. You should have a case that reflects your personality, and Etsy is by your side to help. However you can also find some really fun patterns on  Amazon, at  Target  and  Nordstrom and at so many other places. Look around and find one that showcases who you are! There are so many fun and unique technology accessories out there that are just waiting for you to find them. So spruce up that computer, replace that broken phone case, and carry around something that reflects your personality.